PuTTY is a free secure shell terminal emulator for the MS Windows systems. (See below for accessing hopper or turing from other OSes). You can download the latest version at : https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html From the Binaries section, select the Windows MSI installer. If this fails, you may try one of the other install versions listed. As of 2017, putty-0.70-installer.msi is available. If something newer is available, select that. Download and run the installer. You may need admin permissions to install. Once PuTTY has been installed, click on the PuTTY icon. In "Catagory:" window on left. Select "Session" # In "Host Name (or IP address)" field on the right, add machine name. (see below for names) For "Port:", make sure it is set to 22. For "Connection type :" Select "SSH" for the "Protocol:" In "Saved Sessions" Give the current configuration a name. (see below) Click on [Save] button. Repeat for each machine to be recognized. Use the following settings. Host Name Saved Session turing.cs.niu.edu turing hopper.cs.niu.edu hopper # Some additional optional tweaks. In "Catagory:" window, Select "Session" In the "Saved Sessions" window on right, Select (hightlight) the named session you wish to modify. Click [Load] button. In "Catagory:" window on left. # if you want to use [ctrl]-h for backspace. Select "Terminal" Then "Keyboard". On the right : Select "Control-H" for "The Backspace key" choice. # if you want a larger font Select "Windows" Then "Appearance" On the right : Under "Font settings" Click the [Change...] button. Select the font type and size. # to use Xwindows, you must activate X tunneling. Select "Connection" Select "SSH" Select "X11" On right, Check on "Enable X11 forwarding" Next click the [+] to the left of "Auth" On the right, check "Allow agent forwarding" Remember to save session again to keep the changes you've made. * Mac and Linux users can open a terminal window and ssh to hopper or turing from the command line. Chrome OS users can either get a terminal emulator from the Chrome store or use crosh - the Chrome shell. To access crosh, use Ctrl+Alt+T. The crosh shell includes the ssh terminal emulator.